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Q1 Cascade in network

In the following social network, each node starts with behavior B, and has a threshold of q = 2/5 for switching to behavior A.

Figure 1.The network of Q1

(a) Let the set of initial adopters of behavior A be S = {c, d}. Which nodes will eventually switch to A? Briefly explain your answer.

Answer: The node e and h will finally switch to A. Because with threshold of q = 2/5, and at the first step

$$ p_e=p_h=\frac{1}{2}>\frac{2}{5}=q $$

so e and h will swich to A. However


and i, f, g, j will not swich to A. The spreading stops and only e and h switch to A.

(b) Find a cluster of density greater than 1−q = 3/5 in the part of the graph outside S that blocks behavior A from spreading to all nodes (starting from S, at threshold q). Briefly explain your answer.

Answer: In the figure 2, I circle a cluster C with $density=\frac{2}{3}>\frac{3}{5}$

We consider the node f as an example. Node f connects with node c, i, g. And t = 2/3 fraction of its neighbors are in cluster C, r = 1/3 fraction not in C. If we want the cascade occur, r must be bigger than q which is equivalent to t smaller than (1-q). Now the density of cluster C is 2/3 which means all nodes in C have so the cascade is blocked.

Figure 2.A cluster that blocks behaviour A spreading

(c) You are allowed to add a single edge to the network, connecting one of nodes c or d to any one node that it is not currently connected to. Can you do this in such a way that now behavior A, starting from S and spreading with a threshold of 2/5, would reach all nodes? Briefly explain your answer.

Answer: We can add an edge from c to i so the behavior A can spread to all nodes. This edge makes $p_i=2/4=1/2>q$ and make node i change its behavior to A.

Figure 3.Adding an edge to the original network

At the next step, $p_f=2/3>q$ and $p_k=1/2>q$ so node f and k will switch to A.

Figure 4.Node f and k changes behaviors

Then $p_f=p_j=2/3>q$ so node g and j switch to A. Finally all nodes change behavior to A.

Figure 5.Node g and j change behavior

Also we can add an edge between node d and j.

Q2 Decision-based diffusion model

Recall that in the decision-based diffusion model,

  1. if nodes v and w both adopt behavior A, they each get a payoff of a > 0;
  2. if they both adopt B, they each get a payoff of b > 0;
  3. if they adopt opposite behaviors, they each get a payoff of 0.

The total payoff for any one node is determined by adding up the payoffs it gets from each neighbor. Let’s now consider a slightly more general version of the model, in which the payoff for choosing opposite behaviors is not 0, but some small positive number x. Specifically, we replace the third point above with:

  • if they adopt opposite behaviors, they each get a payoff of x, where x is a positive number that is less than both a and b.

In this variant of the model, is each node’s decision still based on a threshold rule? Specifically, is it possible towrite down a formula for a threshold q, in terms of the three quantities a, b, and x, so that each node v will adopt behavior A if at least a q fraction of its neighbors are adopting A, and it will adopt B otherwise?

In your answer, either provide a formula for a threshold q in terms of a, b, and x; or else explain why in this more general model, a nodes decision can't be expressed as a threshold in this way.

Answer: The answer is YES i.e a formula for a threshold q can be written in terms of a, b and x. Now I will show the calculation process.

Figure 6.The node v and its neighbors

Let v have d neighbors and assume fraction p of v's neighbors adopt A. Based on the variant of the model,

$$payoff_v=\left\{ \begin{array}{c} apd+x\left( 1-p \right) d,\text{if} \text{v} \text{chooses} \text{A}\\ xpd+b\left( 1-p \right) d,\text{if} \text{v} \text{chooses} \text{B}\\\end{array} \right. $$

We compute,

$$apd+x\left( 1-p \right) d>xpd+b\left( 1-p \right) d$$

Then we can get

$$\left( a+b-2x \right) p>b-x$$

Because x is a positive number less than a and b, then v chooses A if

$$p>q=\frac{b-x}{\left( a-x \right) +\left( b-x \right)}$$

Q3 Girvan-Newman algorithm (GN algorithm)

Given the following graph, show how to use the Girvan-Newman algorithm to obtain the whole dendrogram (you need to use the method shown in the lecture notes to compute the betweenness).

Figure 7.The graph of Q3

Step 1

Start from A and use symmetry to get the flows beginning with D

Figure 8. Starting from A abd D

Start from B and C

Figure 9. Starting from B and C

Start from E and F

Figure 10. Starting from E and F

Step 2

Add up the flow values and divided everything by 2. Then we remove all the maximum edges and we only have AE and DF left. It's obvious that we remove these two edges in the last step.

Figure 11. Remove the maximum edges

All edges have been removed.

Analyze each step of GN algorithm, we can obtain the dendrogram.

Figure 12. The dengrogram of the graph

Q4 Cluster density

(a) What is the cluster density ($\rho$) of the circled cluster (1,2,3,4) in the following figure.

Figure 13.Network of Q9

Calculate the density of the circled cluster

$$\rho =\frac{3}{4}$$

(b) What does this tell us about the difficulty of having a cascade?

Let S be an initial set of adopters of A and all nodes apply threshold q to decide whether to switch to A. It's the fact that if GS contains a cluster of $density \geq (1-q)$ then S cannot cause a cascade. Therefore, if we want to have a cascade, all subset of GS must satisfy


Obviouly, consider the cluster in (a), Cluster P = {1,2,3,4} is a subset of GS so its density must satisfy the condition

$$\frac{3}{4}<1-q\Rightarrow q<\frac{1}{4}$$

Therefore, we need to assume that the threshold q is lower than 1/4 for cascade happening which is a necessary and insufficient condition. This condition is hard to achieve which causes difficulty of having a cascade.

Q5 SIR model

Recall that the SIR model is defined by

$$S_{t+1}=S_t-\beta S_tI_t\\I_{t+1}=I_t+\beta S_tI_t-\gamma I_t\\R_{t+1}=R_t+\gamma I_t$$


  • $S_t$ is the number of susceptible individuals in the population at time t;
  • $I_t$ is the number of infected individuals in the population at time t;
  • $R_t$ is the number of recovered individuals in the population at time t;
  • $\beta$ is the probability that an infected neighbor attacks;
  • $\gamma$ is the probability that an infected node heals.

Let $S_0=10,I_0=4,R_0=0,\beta =0.05\text{and}\gamma =0.25$. Please write a program (in any language) to simulate this SIR model and show the plots of $S_t,I_t\,\,\text{and} R_t\,\,\text{for} t=1,2,\cdots ,100$.

I write the program with Python and the simulation result is shown in figure 14.

# Import packages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# SIR function
def SIR(St, It, Rt, t, max_t):
    St_ = St - beta*St*It
    It_ = It + beta*St*It - gamma*It
    Rt_ = Rt + gamma*It
    process.append([St_, It_, Rt_])
    if t < (max_t - 1):
        SIR(St_, It_, Rt_, t+1, max_t)

S0 = 10
I0 = 4
R0 = 0
beta = 0.05
gamma = 0.25
process = list()
SIR(S0, I0, R0, t=0, max_t=100)
RES = np.array(process)

# Plot St, It and Rt for t = 1,2,...,100
plt.plot(range(1,101), RES[:,0], label='Susceptibles')  
plt.plot(range(1,101), RES[:,1], label='Infectious')
plt.plot(range(1,101), RES[:,2], label='Recovereds')
plt.title('SIR Model Simulation')
plt.ylabel('Number of Propulation')

Figure 14.The simulation result of SIR model

